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1. 在做题的时候注意不要过渡推断,步骤最少的推断最接近答案。举个简单的例子:某人生病了,我们不能说他去世了,只能说他身体不适或健康不佳。

2. 在推断的时候必须基于原文,尤其是涉及自然科学的知识,在某一学科某一领域的某一概念还未被全世界的科学家普遍接受的时候,我们不能运用课外之时做出推断。


3. 注意答案选项中是不是又被问对象的近似概念或同义词,有些推断答案就是同一概念的替换或延伸。例:

(一)Narrator: Listen again to part of the discussion. Then answer the question.

Professor: Scott Anfinson is an incredible archaeologist and author whose work conducive to the discovery of the indigenous Indian tombs is thought to be a great asset to Minnesota archaeology.

What can be inferred about Scott Anfinson

A: His work is not worthy of any credit.

B: He is an archaeologist with a lot of assets.

C: He has done a lot of noteworthy jobs on Minnesota archaeology.

D: He, as a great archaeologist, donated some assets to protect the local environment.

分析:1.首先是正确辨别两个词: incredible (出色的, 惊人的) 和 asset (财富)。

2. 通过分析A, 可以了解到是对incredible 的理解。在这里头脑一定要清晰,因为 incredible 中的in不表示 “否定”,与incomplete(不完整的)中的in 不是一回事。特别注意该词的构词法,在考试中经常会出现类似的混淆构词方法的错误选项;

3. 再来分析B 和D,通过分析不难得出主要考察对asset的理解。美国人经常把某人当作asset, 即 “人是世界上较大最宝贵的财富”的人生哲学的体现。

4. 综上分析,不难得出C 为正确选项。 noteworthy 意为 “值得关注的”,正好切合教授话中对Scott Anfinson 的嘉许。



与IBT阅读一样, 听力部分推理题的题干中常出现infer, imply , most likely (least likely) 或probably 等词语。根据OG, 在IBT 听力部分, 每次考试这类题目的数量为0-2道,所以只要注意一些细节和做好笔记,做对应该不是问题。



W: Can I see your license and registrations please?

M: What’s the matter, officer? Did I do something wrong?

W: You were speeding.

M: I was speeding?

W: You certainly were. Do you have any idea how fast you were going?

M: I ‘m not sure, but I was going about 35.

M: This Street is in a 25-mile-per-hour speed zone, you know.

M: It is?

Question: what can be inferred about the man?

A. He was on his way to work

B. He hadn’t realized he was speeding

C. He lives on Elm Street

D. His speedometer isn’t working

解题:听完整个对话,其中关键词语” license and registrations” speeding” “how fast””25-mile-per-hour speed zone” 我们可以推断出这是一个交警和驾驶人员的谈话,故事应该发生在路上,从而可以得出故事的核心问题是驾驶员超速,所以问题问man的情况:通过对整个对话的分析,我们可以看出A ,C,D答案没有提及,可能是正确的, 而B是我们最为有把握的正确答案,因为通过对”I ‘m not sure, but I was going about 35.” 和”This Street is in a 25-mile-per-hour speed zone, you know. “’ It is .“这些句子进行同义替换之后,我们可以非常肯定B就是正确答案。




What does the professor imply about the spacecraft Clementine?

A. It sent back the first color photographs of the Moon

B. It was powered by solar energy

C. It landed in the far side of the Moon

D. It flew over the Moon’s polar regions


Um… unlike earlier lunar missions, Clementine didn’t orbit only around the moon’s equator.


not only···but also是固定表达方式,教授的讲座只提到前半部分,没有说出来的后半部分即推断内容。把没有说完的话补充出来,即:Clementine飞船还绕着其他地方飞行,只有D选项表示这个意思。

What does the professor imply when he says this?

A. The students can understand Frantzen's art without knowing about her life

B. The students should pay very close attention to what he is going to say

C. Some of his students are already familiar with Frantzen's life story

D. Some of his students may not appreciate Frantzen's work


I find Frantzen to be a very accessible artist. I mean, some artists, to appreciate them, you have to know their life story, but··· Here’s a little bit about Rose Frantzen’s life anyway.

翻译:我认为Frantzen是一个非常容易理解的艺术家。我是说,有些艺术家,为了鉴赏他们,你必须得知道他们的生平,但是···不管怎么说,还是有一点Rose Frantzen的一点故事。



1: more than… 不仅仅… (还有…)

eg:TPO4-5 Moving rocks

2: not only/merely… (but also…) not just

eg: TPO5-3 SPA-basin

3: most… (but some…some…)

eg: TPO4-5 Moving rocks

4: some… (but others/one) some…and others/one

eg: TPO1-1 Rose Frantzen’s wrok

5: would/should/could have 本应该…(其实没有)

eg: TPO8-6 The Periodical Table



What can be inferred from be fact that Lechuguilla Cave is no longer forming?

A. The cave has stopped attracting visitors

B. The cave no longer contains any limestone

C. The air in the cave is safer to breathe now than it was in the past

D. Gypsum deposits inside the cave are growing thicker


And Lechuguilla is pretty much dormant now. It’s not really forming any more. But, there is other ones like it, for example, in Mexico, that are forming. And when cave researchers go to explore them, they see and smell, the sulfuric acid and gases of...er...phew...now, something else, think of rotten eggs. And, it’s not just the smell. Explorers even need to wear special masks to protect themselves from the gases in these caves.



L-cave: ×form ___

M-cave: √form danger/harm



我们需要明白,逻辑推理的过程,通常是premise+ assumption àconclusion。Premise是前提,assumption为假设,是通常没有说出来的premise,只有假设成立,结论才成立。

这个可以按照“三段论推理”来进行理解,即Major premise + minor premise à conclusion,assumption就是minor premise。三段论推理是一种重要的演绎推理。




1:Major premise: Tyrannical rulers deserve no loyalty;

Minor premise: King George III is a tyrannical ruler

Conclusion: Therefore, King George III deserves no loyalty.

2:Major premise: All men are mortal.

Minor premise: Socrates is a man.

Conclusion: Socrates is mortal.

3:Major premise: All mortals die.

Minor premise: All men are mortals.

Conclusion: All men die.


What does the student imply when he say this:

A. He does not like Jean Painleve’s films

B. He thinks that the professor should spend more time discussing Jacques

Cousteau’s film

C. He believes that high quality filmmakers are usually well known

D. He believes that Jean Painleve’s film have been unfairly overlooked


Student:Well, maybe I shouldn’t be asking this, but if Painlevé’s films are so special, so good, why haven’t we ever heard of them? I mean, everyone’s heard of Jacques Cousteau.



∵ major premise:Painleve不出名,Cousteau出名

∴ conclusion: Painleve不好Cousteau好


minor premise:出名的人一定好。

故学生的assumption假设是:出名的filmmaker就比不出名的好,Painleve不如Cousteau好,因为他”觉得”“大家都”听说过后者,没有听说过前者。“heard of”为”听说过”,即知名度。


Professor: Well, that’s a fair question. Uh, the short answer is that Painlevé’s style just never caught on with the general public. I mean, it probably goes back at least in part to what we mentioned earlier, that people didn’t know what to make of his films – they were confused by them, whereas Cousteau’s documentaries were very straightforward, met people’s expectations more than Painlevé’s films did. But you are true: film history is about what we know about them. And Painlevé is still highly respected in many circles.




一、 考察内容


二、 出现方式


What does the professor imply when he explains the washing and scraping methods that were used to remove ink from a parchment surface?

What can be inferred about two stars if their spectra have similar spectral line patterns?

推理推断题的题干中一般包括imply 和 infer这样的词。所以,一看到imply 或是infer 就应该想到这是推理推断题。“暗含着什么?”或是“由此可以推出什么?”

三、 解题思路


例一、TPO 15 L3

In the late MiddleAges, it was customary to scrape away the surface of the parchment with an abrasive, which completely wiped out any writing that was there. But earlier in the Middle Ages, the original ink was usually removed by washing the used parchment with milk. That removed the ink. But with the passing of time, the original writing might reappear.

What does the professor imply when he explains the washing and scraping methods that were used to remove ink from a parchment surface?

A. Washing made parchment more able to retain newly applied ink than scraping did.

B. Washing was less effective than scraping as a means of permanently erasing ink.

C. The scraping method was used in the creation of the Archimedes palimpsest.

D. Neither method completely erased the original text

答案 B


例二、TPO 3 L 4

What can be inferred about two stars if their spectra have similar spectral line patterns?

And if you were looking at the spectrum of some other star, the colors would be the same. But the spectral lines would break it up at different places, making different patterns. Each pattern stands for a distinct chemical element, and so different sets or patterns of spectral lines mean that the star has a different chemical composition.

What can be inferred about two stars if their spectra have similar spectral line patterns?

A. The stars are approximately the same distance from the Earth.

B. The stars probably have same chemical elements in common.

C. The stars have nearly the same brightness.

D. The stars are probably of the same size

答案 B


这就是推理推断题。题干多半含imply 或是 infer 这样的词。解题是根据例子合理推断,但切记不要过度推断。


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