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theorem 原理,定理v.s. theory

methodology 方法论 (­ method)

physiology 生理学 (à physiological)

psychiatry 精神病学^ psychology, psycho, psychosis, psychoanalysis

correlation 相互关系à correlation coefficient

sensation 感觉,知觉 (另)轰动à sensational

perception 感知,认知

intuition 知觉 (à intuitive)

ESP 第六感 (Extrasensory Perception)

motivate 激励à motivation (^ bonus, commission, …)

incentive 激励因素

stimulus 刺激à stimulate, stimulation

disorder 紊乱,失调

dysfunction 机能障碍dys(=dis) + function

dissonance 不和谐,不一致dis + son(sound) +ance

trauma 创伤 (à traumatic)the trauma caused by Sept. 11

anxiety 焦虑 (= anxiousness)

depression 沮丧 (de + press + ion)~ depressedv.s. repression (压抑)

insomnia 失眠

phobia 恐惧(症) à suffix: -phobia

acrophobia ^ acronym:

xenophobia a fear of foreigners or strangers

claustrophobia a fear of being closed in a confined place

allergy 过敏(症),反感 (à allergic)He is allergic to card playing.

propensity Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.= tendency, inclination

paranoid 偏执的­ paranoia (偏执狂)

workaholic 工作狂 (­ alcoholic)

symptom 症状

diagnosis 诊断(n.)­ diagnose (v.)Arthur Haily: “The Final Diagnosis”

electroencephalogram 脑电图^ electrocardiogram (心电图)

assertive 武断的 (­ assert)

therapy 治疗法group therapy

hypnotism 催眠术 (~ hypnotize)

prescribe 开药方v.s. subscribe, describe, inscribeà prescription: ~ drugs

antidepressant 抗抑郁药

tranquilizer 镇静药 (­ tranquil)

side-effect (+s) 副作用

immune 免疫的,免除的 (à immunity)

rehabilitation 复原,康复

relapse 旧病复发,故态复萌v.s. elapse^ 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!

chronic 慢性的

adulthood <> childhood

puberty 青春发动期

adolescence 青春期 (the time of life between puberty and adulthood)

emotional <> rational

affective 情感的 (­ affection)

sane 神智健全的à insane

superstition 迷信à superstitious

telepathy 传心术,通灵术tele(far away) + pathy(heart)^ numerology, palmistry…

apathy 无感情,无兴趣,冷漠 (= indifference)a(no) + pathyv.s. sympathy: sym(same) + pathy

pathology 病理学,病理,病变

delusion 迷惑,欺瞒v.s. illusion

disorientation 迷失 (dis + orientation)~ disoriented

pervert 使反常/变态 反常/变态者à perversion

introspection 内省v.s. retrospection (回顾,反省)

sublimation 纯化,升华­ sublime

personality = personal characteristicsmultiple personality (多重人格)

innate 天赋的 in + nate(nature)= inborn, congenital

attribute 属性 (à attributable)

trait 特征,品质national traits 国民性vs. traitor


conservation 保护,保存 (ß conserve)v.s. conversation

environmentalist = conservationist

acid 酸 酸的 (<>alkali)acid rain

carbon 碳 (C) v.s. charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide

fume exhaust fumesv.s. smoke, fog, smog

petroleum 石油à petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)à unleaded petrol/gas

ozone 臭氧 (o + zone)ozone layer

ooze 渗出 渗出物

radiation 辐射ultraviolet(UV) radiation~ radioactive

greenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gases

solar 太阳的 (solar energy)^ lunar (lunar calendar)

phenomenon 现象

catastrophe = disaster, cataclysm

deterioration 恶化 (ß deteriorate)

extinction 灭绝 (ß extinct)

species endangered species

drought 干旱 (^ “找它”)>>> famine v.s. flooding

recurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + rentv.s. concurrent

inundate 淹没 ^ “淹掉它”

embankment 筑堤 (em + bank + ment)

sediment 沉积(物)= deposit

delta 三角洲the Pearl River Delta

alluvial 冲积的

desertification ß desert (v.s. dessert)

dust-storm 沙尘暴^ thunderstorm, brainstorm

barren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的

dune sand dunethe game “DUNE”!

attributable 归因于be attributable to…

deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)de + forest + ation<> afforestation/reforestation

log 原木,日志 伐木v.s. logo

vegetation 植物,植被v.s. vegetable, vegetarian

habitat 栖息地ß habit (Habit is the second nature.)

ecosystem 生态系统 (eco + system)~ ecology

viability ß viable “vi”: life养育能力One tool for assessing the impact of forestry on the ecosystem is population viability analysis.

demographic 人口统计的 demo(people) + graph(write) + ic

interdependence inter + dependence

counterbalance 使平衡,弥补 (=offset)counter(against) + balance

mechanism 机理,机制

precipitation 陡降,降水 (ß precipice)<> evaporation

circulation 流通,循环

tide à tidal wave (海啸)<> ebb <<< earthquake

typhoon ~ tornado, hurricane

meteorology 气象(学)

volcano 火山

eruption 喷发 (ß erupt)volcanic eruption >>> lava

granite 花岗岩

imminent = impending v.s. eminent

Celsius 摄氏的 37OCv.s. centigrade

Fahrenheit 华氏的

latitude 纬度(另) longitude, altitude

tropical ß (the) tropicstropical/torrid zone, temperate zone, frigid zone

glacier 冰川

dump 倾倒,倾销à anti-dumping

contaminate 弄脏 (à contaminant)

recycle 回收再利用

irreversible 不可逆的 (= irrevocable)

reclaim 开垦,改造 à reclamation

contentious 有争议的 (ß contend)Many environmental issues today are highly contentious.

opt 选择(+ for) à option

prioritize 优先考虑 (ß prior, priority)


accommodation (膳宿)供应= room and board

lodging 寄宿(处)

lease 出租 “for lease”, “to let”v.s. rent

tenant 房客,佃户

landlord 房东 à landlady(f)ß Lord, <> tenant

housemate ~ roommate, dormmate^ schoolmate, classmate

dormitory 寝室 (abbrev. dorm)

au pair A young foreigner who lives with a family in return for doing light housework(另) = reciprocal

reciprocal 相互的,互惠的

hostel youth hostel~ hotel

real estate 房地产

vicinity = neighborhood

flat 平的,瘪的 flat tire公寓(= apartment)^ condo, studio

bond = deposit

linen 亚麻的 亚麻织品,床单(= bed linen)

utensil 器皿

stationery 文具 (v.s. stationary)

laundry 洗衣,洗衣店

cafeteria 自助餐厅~ canteen

cater 满足(需要)

aerobics 有氧健身操 “aero”: air

badminton 羽毛球(运动)

baseball 棒球 baseball bat

squash 壁球(运动)

amateur <> professional

gathering 聚会v.s. meeting, reunion

excursion 远足 (= outing, expedition)

commonwealth 共和国,联邦Commonwealth: 英联邦

tertiary 第三的After purchasing a house and a car, the next major life expenditure is almost certainly the cost of tertiary education.primary à secondary à tertiary

post-secondary “post”: afterpostgraduate, postdoctoral, post-sale, postwar

illiterate 文盲 不识字的il(no) + literate(words)à illiteracy (<> literacy)

discipline 学科,纪律v.s. subject

terminology 术语

faculty department and staff of a college/university

dean (大学)教务长

curriculum 课程 (= course)à extracurricular 课外的

syllabus 课程提纲

calendar 日历,日程 (~ schedule, agenda, timetable)

compulsory 强制的,必修的<> elective (选修的)

examiner <> examinee^ take/sit, pass/get through, fail, retake/resit

recruit 招生,招募à recruitment= enroll

prestige 声望,威信à prestigious

esteem 尊敬 (n. & v.)your esteemed school/company

aptitude 智力SAT: School Aptitude Test

matriculation 录取入学

vocation 职业 (= calling, occupation, career)à vocationalvocational education

TAFE Technical And Further Education (Australian)

abbreviation 缩略(词)~ abridge (缩短,删节)

transferable (学分等)可转换的

scholarship 奖学金= fellowship

tutorial 辅导(课)ß tutor (= lecturer, instructor)

pedagogue 教员,学究~ pedagogy (教育学,教学法)^ demagogue (政治煽动家)

lexicography 词典编撰 (à lexicographer)

assignment 任务,(课外)作业

dissertation 论文 (= thesis)

credential 证明,文凭 “cred”: creditlinguistic credentials

alumni 校友(男)<> alumnae

overestimate 高估 (<> underestimate)

decipher 解码,解释 (= decode)decipher workplace culture

caliber 才干


mathematics / mAWi5mAtiks/ 数学

arts / arts/ 文科

science / 5saiEns/ 理科

history / 5histEri/ 历史

geometry / dVi5Rmitri/ 几何

geography / dVi5RgrEfi/ 地理

geology / dVi5RlEdVi/ 地质学

biology / bai5RlEdVi/ 生物

chemistry / 5kemistri/ 化学

physics / 5fiziks/ 物理

literature / 5litEritFE/ 文学

sociology / sEusi5RlEdVi/ 社会学

philosophy / fi5lRsEfi/ 哲学

psychology / sai5kRlEdVi/ 心理学

engineering / endVi5niEriN/ 工程学

medicine / 5medisin/ 医学

agriculture / 5AgrikQltFE/ 农学

astronomy / Es5trRnEmi/ 天文学

economics / i:kE5nRmiks/ 经济学

politics / 5pRlitiks/ 政治学

law / lR:/ 法学

finance / fai5nAns, fi-/ 财政学

architecture / 5a:kitektFE/ 建筑学

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