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A:Good morning.早上好!

B:Oh,good morning.Mr.Li.How are you?早上好李先生,您好吗?

A:I m fine.Thanks,and you?我很好,谢谢,你呢?

B:Oh,busy as usual.Do you want to see Mr.Wilson?还是那么忙。您是要见威尔逊先生吗?


B:Do you have an appointment?您提前预约了吗?

A:Er...No,I haven t.You see,I only arrived back in the country this morning.嗯,没有。你看,我今天早上刚刚回国。

B:Well,I know he s busy at the moment but I ll ask his secretary when he ll be free.Please sit down.我知道威尔逊先生现在很忙,但是我可以问问他的秘书看他什么时候有空。请坐下,等一会儿。

A:Thank you.谢谢你。

C:Mr.Wilson s office.这是威尔逊先生办公室。

B:Oh,hello,Susan.It s receptionist.I have a Mr.Li here.He hasn t an appointment but he d like to see Mr.Wilson.When will he be free?你好,苏珊。我是接待员。李先生在我这,他想见威尔逊先生,但没有提前预约,我想问一下威尔逊先生什么时候有空?

C:Let me see...Well,he ll be free about 12∶30.Can Mr.Li wait?让我看看,嗯,他大约12∶30有空。李先生可以等吗?

B:(to Mr.Li)Mr.Wilson will be free about half past twelve.Can you wait?(对李先生说)威尔逊先生大约在12∶30有空,你能等他吗?

A:What s the time now?现在几点钟?

B:It s nearly 12∶00.快12点了。

A:Oh that s fine.I ll wait.好的,我等他。

B:(to Susan) Susan,Mr.Li will wait.(对苏珊说) 苏珊,李先生决定等威尔逊先生。

C:Right.I ll fetch him when Mr.Wilson s free.那好吧,威尔逊先生有空的时候,我去接他。

B:Thanks.(to Mr.Li) She ll come and fetch you later.Would you like something to drink,Mr.Li? Do you prefer tea or coffee?谢谢! (对李先生) 她一会儿来接你。请问您想喝点什么,茶还是咖啡?

A:Thank you.Coffee,please.咖啡,谢谢。

B:Here you are,Mr.Li.This is the cream and this is the sugar.If there s anything else you d like,please don t hesitate to tell me.给您,李先生。这是奶和糖。如果还需要什么,请别客气。

A:Thank you so much.非常感谢!

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