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Ben:There is a modern art exhibition at the art gallery.Would you like to go?

Ann:I’d love to go,but how can I appreciate modern art?It leaves me cool.

Ben:Oh,I love going to art galleries,particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art.

Ann:I never understand the meaning of those paintings.They are too abstract for me.How can I appreciate modern art?

Ben:It would help if you followed the four steps of looking at modern art.

Ann:What should I do then?

Ben:Step one is to identify the medium used in the work,making sure it is a drawing,a painting,an etching or a lithograph.

Ann:I think I can tell the difference between them.

Ben:Step two is to take an inventory of exactly what you see,such as the lines,the colors,the shapes and textures.

Ann:I suppose I can do that.

Ben:Step three is to think about the interpretation of the piece of art and what the lines,colors,shapes and textures might mean.Analyzing the work from different perspectives,and then you can make a judgment in step four.

Ann:Oh,I got it.Thank you.

(In the course of visiting)

Ben:What do you think of this painting?

Ann:To be honest,nothing special.I can’t see what the artist tries to express.

Ben:But I can’t believe I’m standing here!Wow!

Ann:What’s the big deal?

Ben:This is an exquisite work of art!I’ve seen it so many times in books,but I never imagined I’d get to see it in person today.

Ann:Well,I think you are a true art lover.

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