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A: Oh, It s really hot! I ve never seen such scorching weather in my life!

A: 哦, 天真热! 我还从来没见过这么难熬的天气。

B: Tell you about it. It s like the whole world is firing.

B: 让我说, 就像是全世界着火了。

A: Oh, look at the thermometer! The temperature has hit 98!

A: 快看温度计! 气温达到98了!

B: I hope it s not gonna break into three digits!

B: 我真希望它不要变成三位数!

A: But it s already awfully close!

A: 可它已经很接近了啊!

B: Well, I just hope it ll level off.

B: 嗯, 我只想它能早点降下来。

A: I guess we can t do anything until after dark then.

A: 天黑之前我们恐怕是做不了任何事情了。

B: I guess so. What else can we do? We can t stay in the heat for long!

B: 我觉得也是。那我们该做点什么呢? 总不能老待在这么热的天气里吧!

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