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A: Oh, God! Nobody can stand this kind of scorching heat.

A: 哦,天哪!没有人能忍受这种炙烤。

B: Tell me about it! You can t even stay in the sun for five minutes.

B: 说实话! 你在太阳下甚至连五分钟都待不住。

A: You ll be scorched like a shrivelled plant. Or like a shrivelled old man!

A: 就像植物被烧焦一样无奈。嗯,像个无助的老人。

B: I like your humor, Mark. Anyway, I guess this afternoon there s nothing we can do but stay home.

B: 马克你真幽默。不管怎样,今天下午我们恐怕做不了什么事了,只能待在家里了。

A: I guess so. I don t want to be taken to the hospital for heat exhaustion or sunstroke or something.

A: 我估计也是。我可不想脱水或中暑什么的住进医院去。

B: You want my advice? Drink a lot of liquids and spare yourself the worst of the heat!

B: 想听听我的建议吗? 多喝水能帮助你防止中暑。

A: Yeah, you re right. Get to drink a lot of fluids. Do we have any beer?

A: 是啊。已经喝了很多水了。我们还有啤酒吗?

B: Yes! Do you want it now?

B: 有啊! 你现在想要吗?

A: No, but do you have any gin?

A: 不,还有杜松子吗?

B: No.

B: 没有了。

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