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A: Hi, Taylor. I am sorry that I cannot go to your birthday party on Saturday.

A: 你好,泰勒,很抱歉我不能参加你周六的生日晚会了。

B: Why?

B: 为什么?

A: My sister is ill in hospital now, and I have to take care of her.

A: 我妹妹现在生病住院了,我要去照顾她。

B: I am sorry to hear that. Is it serious?

B: 这真让人难过,严重吗?

A: No, but her parents are in London now. She couldn t be alone in hospital, you know.

A: 不严重,但是她的父母现都在伦敦。你知道她不能一个人在医院里。

B: Of course. Give me best wishes to her. I hope she will recover soon.

B: 当然,代我向她问好,我希望她快点好起来。

A: Thanks. Goodbye.

A: 谢谢,再见。

B: Goodbye.

B: 再见。


A: Hello, this is Taylor, who is that, please?

A: 你好,我是泰勒,请问您是哪位?

B: Hello, Taylor, this is Lily.

B: 你好泰勒,我是莉莉。

A: I am sorry, Lily, something urgent has come up and I won t be able to keep my appointment with you on Monday evening.

A: 对不起,莉莉,我有点急事,恐怕不能参加周一晚上的约会了。

B: No problem, that is all right.

B: 没问题,没关系的。

A: I wonder if we could change the time of our appointment to sometime early next month.

A: 我想是不是我们可以把我们的计划改到下个月。

B: Next month? Why not next week? Are you busy all this month?

B: 下个月?为什么不是下周?你这一个月都很忙吗?

A: Ha, I am not busy next week as well as the week after next. But today is October 29th.

A: 哈,我下周以及下下周都不忙,只是今天是10月29号了。

B: Oh, gosh. I see. No problem. How about November 3rd? I would be free all day long.

B: 哦,上帝,我知道了。没问题。11月3号怎么样。我一整天都有空。

A: Let me see. Well, I am afraid I will have to work longer hours on that day. How about November 4th?

A: 让我想想,噢,恐怕那天我要加班。11月4号怎么样?

B: OK, that is it.

B: 好的,就这么定了。

A: See you then.

A: 到时候再见。

B: See you.

B: 再见。

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