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A: Hello, this is Helen. Is that Taylor?

A: 你好,我是海伦。你是泰勒吗?

B: Yes, speaking.

B: 是的,请讲。

A: I am afraid I have to cancel the dinner date with you.

A: 对不起我得取消我们的晚餐计划了。

B: Cancel the date? I don t understand, why?

B: 取消晚餐?我不明白,为什么?

A: Well, this afternoon my mom is coming over to my school. I have to pick her up to the train station.

A: 哦,今天下午我妈妈要来我们学校。我得去火车站接她。

B: I see.

B: 我知道了。

A: I am sorry, but on which day are you convenient in this week?

A: 对不起,这周你哪天还方便呢?

B: Oh, I am just fully occupied in this week.

B: 哦,这周我的日程全满了。

A: Then we can put it off to the next week, OK?

A: 那我们把时间推迟到下周吧,好吗?

B: No problem, we can discuss next Monday. Have a nice time. See you.

B: 没问题,我们下周一再讨论吧。过的开心。再见。

A: See you.

A: 再见。

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