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A: Hi, dude, wait me a minute.

A: 咳,伙计,等等我。

B: What is up? Why are you in such hurry?

B: 什么事?怎么这么急?

A: I have to go to check my final exam with my monitor teacher. So I don t think I can manage this evening. I wonder if we could change the time of the meeting to tomorrow.

A: 我要去和我的班主任核实一下我的期末成绩。所以今晚我没空。我想是不是我们能把今晚的会面推到明天。

B: Certainly, when will you be convenient tomorrow?

B: 当然可以,你明天什么时候方便?

A: I will be free all day long.

A: 我一整天都有空。

B: In that case, I will look out for you about three o clock tomorrow afternoon, because I have to go to have Chinese class all the morning.

B: 那样的话,我明天下午3点去找你吧,因为我一上午都要去上汉语课。

A: All right. Then see you tomorrow.

A: 好的,那我们明天见。

B: See you then.

B: 到时候见。

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