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A: Where is my composition? I remembered I put it here yesterday.

A: 我的作文哪里去了?我记得我昨天放在这了。

B: Your composition?

B: 你的作文?

A: Yes, I remembered I printed it out and put it here. It is so strange that it is gone.

A: 是的,我记得我把它打印出来放在这了。很奇怪它竟然不见了。

B: This morning I accidentally picked up a piece of paper on the floor and put into the garbage box! Perhaps it is your composition?

B: 今天早晨我偶然捡到一张纸把它放到垃圾篓里了!也许那是你的作文?

A: OK, I will check it. Wow, here it is, but I have to copy another one.

A: 好,我查一下。哇,果真在这里,但是我只能再拷贝一份了。

B: I am sorry for that I didn t know it is your composition. You must forgive me.

B: 对不起我不知道那是你的作文。要原谅我啊。

A: I know it is not deliberate. Why forgive you? I should thank you.

A: 我知道你不是故意的。为什么原谅你?我应该感谢你。

B: Oh!

B: 哦!

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