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A: Good morning. I have an appointment with Mr. Wilson at 9∶30.

A: 早上好,我与威尔逊先生约好9点半会晤。

B: Are you Mr. Chen of International Trade Corporation?

B: 您是国际贸易公司的陈先生吗?

A: Yes. That s right.

A: 是的。

B: I ll tell Mr. Wilson that you re here. Would you like to have a seat over there for a moment, please?

B: 我会告知威尔逊先生您来了,您在这儿坐一下好吗?

A: Thank you.

A: 谢谢!


A: Good morning. Can I help you?

A: 早上好。我能为你做些什么?

B: Good morning. Is this Modern Electronics Co., Ltd.? I have an appointment with the Sales Manager at 10∶00 a.m.

B: 早上好。这是现代办公用品有限公司吗?我在10点与销售经理有个约会。

A: May I have your name, please?

A: 请把你的名字告诉给我好吗?

B: Thomas Wilson. I am from the Golden Trading Company.

B: 托马斯·威尔逊,我从黄金贸易公司来。

A: Let me see ... Ah, yes, Mr. Wilson. Please take a seat, Mr. Wilson. I will tell the Manager s secretary that you are here.(Dial the phone.)

A: 让我查一查……是的,他和你有约会,威尔逊先生。请坐。我将告诉经理的秘书你已经在这儿了。(拨电话)

A: Hello, Mary, this is Reception. Mr. Wilson from the Golden Trading Company is here. He has an appointment with Mr. Hilton at 10∶00 am.

A: 你好,玛丽,这是接待处。从黄金贸易公司来的托马斯·威尔逊先生已经在这儿了。他约定在 10点与希尔顿先生见面。

C: Mr. Wilson? Right, I ll come down now and take him to Mr. Hilton s office.

C: 威尔逊先生?那好。我现在就下去带他去希尔顿先生的办公室。

C: Mr. Wilson?

C: 威尔逊先生?

B: Yes, that is right.

B: 是的,我就是。

C: I am the Sales Manager s secretary. Please come this way. I ll take you to his office.

C: 我是销售经理的秘书,请这边走。我带你去他的办公室。

B: Many thanks.

B: 非常感谢。

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