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A: What's wrong, madam? You look so anxious.发生什么事了,女士,您看起来很紧张。

T: Yes, I lost my baggage just now.是啊,我刚刚把我的行李丢了。

A: Take it easy. Would you please tell me more details. I will try to help you.没关系慢慢说,您告诉我一些细节,我帮您找找看。

T: Thank you. I just collected my luggage and I went to a coffee shop. I put it on the seat next to me. But when I finished drinking the coffee, it's gone.谢谢你,我刚刚取了行李然后去了一个咖啡店。我把它放在我旁边的座位上,但是当我喝完咖啡后,它就不见了。

A: What kind of suitcase did you lose?您丢的是什么样的行李?

T: It's a small blue leather case, with my luggage tag on the top.是一个很小的蓝色的皮箱,上面有我的行李签。

A: Or maybe someone just picked up the wrong case.会不会是有人拿错了?

T: It is impossible! I can't believe it. The case is very rare because it's customized. It's a present from one of my old friends, so it's very precious to me. Help me, please.不可能的,我不相信。这个箱子很稀少,因为它是定制的,它是我一个老朋友送给我的礼物,对我来说很珍贵。帮我找一下吧。

A: Sure. Will you please leave your name and your address here? We will try to find the suitcase for you.当然。您可以把您的姓名地址留下吗?我们会尽量给您找的。

T: How long does it take?需要多久?

A: Sorry, I have no idea. Will you please wait here for a while? I will go to the Lost and Found Office to check out whether someone returned it back. If not, we will call the police to help.对不起,我还不知道,你能在这里等一下吗?我去失物招领处看一下是不是有人把它送回去了,如果不是的话,我们就会报警了。

A: It seems that I have no other choice.看来只能这样了。

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