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A:So what did you think about the movie?那你觉得这部电影怎样?

B:Well, I think this"Star Wars"episode is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as the previous ones.嗯,我觉得这一部“星球大战”是很好的一部作品,但是没之前那些那么好。

A:Really?I don't agree. This"Star Wars"episode was incredible.是吗?我不同意。这部“星球大战”太好了。

B:Why do you think so?为什么你这样认为?

A:Well, one of the most spectacular things about this one was the special effects.呃,最引人入胜的地方之一就是这部的特技。

B:State of the art special effects are the main reason for the success for the previous episodes. So audiences have high expectations for this one.And I don't think they will be disappointed.特技的发展水平是之前几部成功的主要原因。所以观众对这一部的期待特别高。我认为他们不会失望的。

A:You are right. The special effects were amazing.And I like the fact that they created so many fantastic settings and other-worldly costumes, weapons and creatures.你说得对。特技太令人惊奇了。我喜欢他们创造了如此多的美妙的背景和其他虚拟的服饰,武器和生物。

B:It's kind of cool that they are still using the same"Star Wars"theme song for this movie.这部电影仍然使用“星球大战”的同一首歌曲作为主题曲,这有点酷。

A:Yeah, it reminds me of the previous"Star Wars"scenes.是的,它让我想起之前“星球大战”的场景。

B:I know exactly what you mean. Hearing that song gives me a nostalgic feeling.我很同意你的看法。听到这首歌给我一种怀旧的感觉。

A:I thought the overall plot of the movie was really very interesting. But I don't think the character development was that strong.我认为这部电影的整个情节会很有趣。但是我认为角色的发展不是很强。

A:Do you think that had anything to do with the casting of this movie?你觉得这和这部电影角色的分配有关吗?

B:No, the casting is great. And the actors were excellent.They just didn't have a lot of funny or meaningful dialogues. The writing was also a little weak.不,角色分配得很好。演员很优秀。他们只是缺乏一些有趣和有意义的对话。作品也有点弱。

A:Well, maybe……But I like the little kid who played"xxx Skywalker". I can't imagine anyone else playing that role.嗯,或许吧。但是我喜欢演"xxx Skywalker"的那个小孩子。我想不出还有谁能演那个角色。

B:I like him too. He is so cute.You know even though I was slightly disappointedI can't wait for the next episode.我也喜欢他。他很可爱。你看,即使我有点失望但是我还是很期待下一部。

A:I wonder when they're going to start making it and when it's scheduled for release.我想知道他们什么时候开始拍摄,预计什么时候发布。

B:I have no idea. But looking at the success of this"star wars"episode I have a strong feeling production for the next episode will be shot pretty soon. I hope it will be even better than this one.我不知道。但是看着这部《星球大战》的成功,我有一种强烈的预感,下一部很快就拍摄。我希望会比这部好。

A:I hope so, too.我也希望如此。

B:Well, I think we should go now. It's getting pretty late.呃,我想我应该走了。现在很晚了。

A:OK, let's go.好的,我们走吧。

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