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employment/recruitment 雇佣

employer 雇主

employee/staff 员工

colleague 同事

cleaner 清洁工

accountant 会计

interview 面试

contact 合约(contact terminated 终止合约)

part time 兼职

full time 全职

CV (curriculum vitae)= resume 简历

Personal quality 个人素质

interpersonal skills 人际交往能力

work permit 工作许可

contact list 联系人清单

eye contact 眼神交流

emergency contact person 紧急联系人

vacancy 空缺(通常用于找工作的询问对话中)TIPS: 听力考试中曾提到过:There is a vacancy for cook, but it has already been taken. And we have some vacancies for waiter.

Position/post 职位

shift 倒班(day shift 白班, night shift 晚班)

payment 薪金(reward/remuneration 薪酬, salary 月薪, wage 周薪, paid by hour 按小时付费)

bonus/extra pay/premium 奖励

perk 额外收入,公司优惠(比如说在服装店工作买衣服可以打折)

flexible working time 弹性工作时间

workload 工作量(extra workload额外工作量)

welfare department 福利部门

quit/resign/throw up/hand in the notice 辞职

give sb. a sack/kick sb out of work 解雇某人

unemployment benefit 失业救济

reorientation/retraining 再培训

high-trained staff 高度受训的员工


business trip 出差

geography trip 地理考察

business culture 企业文化

labor shortage 劳动力短缺

minimum qualification 较低资格

sense of success/achievement 成就感

assume the responsibility 承担责任

spare time 业余时间

work systematically 系统的工作



forest industry 林业

fishing industry 渔业

mining industry 矿业

energy industry 能源业

industrial material 工业材料

velvet 天鹅绒(雅思听力必备词汇,是一种材料的名称)

insurance company 保险公司

syndicate 财团 TIPS: 这个词音译叫辛迪加,是一种联合机构,如报业辛迪加,指将许多报业联合起来。

farming/agriculture 农业(farming products 农产品, farmer 农民)

market: market economy 市场经济

market research 市场调研

marketing techniques 营销技巧

market strategy 市场战略

marketing seminar 市场营销研讨会

charitable organization 慈善组织

government funded 政府资助的

council 协会(British Council 英国使馆文化协会, City Council 城市委员会)

commission 协会

Royal Commission 英国皇家专门调查委员会

subcommittee 小组委员会

crime(violent crime 暴力犯罪, campus crime 校园犯罪, organized crime 组织犯罪, crime rate 犯罪率)

crime awareness 犯罪意识

public awareness 公众意识


self-defence 自卫

self-discipline 自我约束

kaleidoscope 万花筒

contact lenses 隐形眼镜

fire management 火灾防范

film/flicks/motion picture/picture 电影

newsreel 新闻片

documentary 纪录片,文献片

literary film 文艺片

love story/romance story 爱情片

musicals 音乐剧(Peking Opera 京剧)

Kungfu film/swordsmen film 武侠片

comedy 喜剧

cartoon 卡通片

tragedy 悲剧

disaster 灾难片

horror film 恐怖片

thriller 惊悚片

detective film 侦探片

ethical film 伦理片

biographies 传记

science fiction 科幻片

western 西部片

blockbuster 大片

trailer 预告片

shorts 短片

offering 样片

demonstration 演示(也可以直接讲demo)

social matter effects 社会问题影响

social isolation 人们之间没有交流相互有隔阂

family abuse/domestic violence 家庭暴力

special mail 快递

special audio equipment 特别听力设备

tone 某种语言的音调

aristocrat 贵族

noble 贵族的,高尚的

youth/adolescent/juvenile/youngster 青少年

warehouse/storehouse 仓库

shelter 遮蔽处

refuge 避难所

space shuttle 太空飞船

shuttle bus 机场巴士

controversy 争论(controversial有争议的)

gap 缝隙

crack裂缝(the crack of dawn黎明)

lose temper 失态(be out of temper生气)

nap/doze 小睡,打盹

yawn 打哈欠

pal 伙伴(pal group relationship 伙伴关系)

cannibal 食人者

herbivorous 食草的

city overhead view 城市俯瞰图

parcel 包裹

polish car 汽车抛光


雅思听力场景词汇: job hunting

Type of work: vacation jobs, office work, bar attendant, waiter, waitress, zoo attendant, childcare, library assistant, restaurant work, shop assistant, sales assistant, domestic work, reporter, carpenter, freelance, part-time job, full-time job, temporary job

Main roles: receptionist, shop assistant, looking after animals (kangaroo), educate visitors, save wounded/injured animals, maintain website, selling garden tools/carpets, handle customer complaint

Advantages and disadvantages: pay, working hours, workload, flexible, equipment, transportation

Working hours: am pm weekdays (during the week), weekends,bank holidays, public holidays, New year, Christmas

Pay rate: pound/dollar per hour, starting salary, wage

Clothes: formal clothes, suit, informal clothes, casual clothes shirt, trousers, tie, bow tie, uniform

Transportation: bus, train, subway, tube, metro, taxi, cab

Magazine reporters: housing magazine, entertainment magazine, sports magazine, economy magazine, IT magazine

雅思听力场景词汇: shopping

Price: discount, concession, promotion, sales, half price, normal price, 30% off

Packaging: economy package, family package, container, image, presentation of products

Where to buy: supermarket, market, shop, store, department store, chain store, online shopping

Receipt: invoice, quality warranty, receipt

Supermarket: entrance (profitable), middle shelf (expensive), end of aisles (hard to move), quieter places ( need time to think about)

雅思听力场景词汇: social events

Events: Convention, exhibition, conference, festival, exposition

Examples: Australian retailers’ convention, art exhibition, business conference, summer music festival, drama festival, travel exposition, world expo, cartoon exhibition, flower exhibition, auto show

Publicity: website/internet, leaflets, flyers, notice board, posters, advertisements, good for a family, children, adult, senior citizens

Transportation: bus, taxi, cab, subway, tube, coach, parking problems

Agenda: dates, timetable

Focus/theme: music/live music, art, ballet, clothes, drama, food, business, demonstration, comics, flower arrangement, biscuits

Celebration: parade, dance, chorus, music band

Catering: café, restaurant, pub, cafeteria, canteen, refectory, dining room, refreshments, snacks, takeout, takeaway, set lunch, barbecue

Security: security entrance, security office, security personnel/staff, fire exit, lockers, Check ID, video surveillance, cameras, crowded, children easily get lost

雅思听力场景词汇:diet and health

Food intake/elements: protein, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates, fat acid, calcium, cholesterol, minerals, calorie, kilocalorie

diet: cereals, sugar, salt, lean meat, eggs, fish, milk, vegetables, fruit, red meat, white meat

cereals: wheat, corn, barley, oat, maize, rice

health: low nutrition, malnutrition, overweight, obese, underweight, intelligence, eyesight, brain, learning difficulty, digestion, congestion, heart disease, tuberculosis

Physical exercises: running, jogging, swimming


doctors: physician, surgeon, dentist, veterinarian, pediatrician, therapist, general practitioner

treatments: cure, remedy, therapy, acupuncture,

diseases: headache, toothache, backache (back pain), stomachache, heart disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diabetes, insomnia, asthma, employment medical, sprain, sports injury, sprained knee

medicine: antibiotics, penicillin, aspirin, sleeping pills (tablets), painkillers, dose, underdose, overdose, ice pack, walking sticks

surgery: operation

hospital: clinics, ward, maternity, emergency, surgery, practice


registration: information desk, information sector, librarian desk

registration fee, membership fee

ID documents: passport, visa, student card, library card, driver’s license, credit card, bank statement, phone bill, Identity card, C.V. letter

Library card, borrower’s card, reader’s card, electronic card, PIN, password

Books: fiction, reference books, technical books, leisure books, notion, academic

Periodicals: magazines, journals Current issues, back issues

Technical Resources: photocopying machine, photocopier, color, white and black photocopier, printer, laser printer, card, coin, internet access, computers, laptops

Electronic, digital: CD, DVD, VCD, videos, tapes, cassettes, CD-ROM

Recall system: catalogue (title, author, press, category) , call slip, librarian

Circulation: borrow, loan, return, renew, overdue, fine, reserve

Loan time: weeks, months (up to 4 weeks, maximum loan time)

Training classes: research methods, IT, computer software, dissertation writing


atmosphere: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Ozone, sulphur monoxide

pollution: air pollution, acid rain, contaminated water, pollutant, contaminant, chemicals, toxic waste

Geographical: soil erosion, desertification, drought, floods, overfishing, over-felling, deforestation

energy: fossil fuels, coal, gas, petroleum, solar, tide, wind power, nuclear, marsh gas, methane, biogas

recycling: plastic, paper, glass, bottle tops, ink cartridges, spare parts/components

雅思听力场景词汇: repair

What to repair: fridge, refrigerator, washing machine, CD player, electric light, clock, bungalow, cooker, rice cooker, printer (shelf)

Model type/number

Main problem: leaking, door broken, flashing, hands broken, noisy, fan broken, steam escaping

When to repair: immediately, straight away, right now, urgent

Next week, weekdays, weekends, in a couple of weeks

Mornings, afternoons (am pm)

Quality warranty: expiry date, quality guaranteed for two years

Compensation: refund, replacement

Payment: cash, cheque, credit card, bank transfer


Section 1必考场景--个人信息表格

一. 在考试中以申请表,注册表格形式出现,考察频率比较高的题点是

例如:国家(country),国籍(nationality____),城市(city),学科(faculty_____),语言(language) ,人名(name________),地址(address:_______),日期(date),电话号码(telephone No.),传真号码(Fax No.),邮编(post-code No.),价格(price)等专有名词和数字


Passport number/driver’s license number

License plate=registration number/student ID/membership number/medical card number/flight number


Telephone number/fax number/

Account number/credit card number

2.电话号码读法:4/4 与 3/4 原则

Double 和triple;64557890、67775400

0读成o (“oh”是较为常见的用法,一般在电话号码和房间号中最为多见) 和zero, naught (用于小数的情况较多) 0.68

,nil/null (nil则会用于赛事比分)

000读成 thousand 64572000如出现18003456000 999234

Country code+ area code + telephone number

Extension number 3.常用单位:

Kilometer/km meter/m mile/m pound/lb

Square meter/sq m liter/l Fahrenheit centigrade=Celsius

1Dollar=$100 cents 1pound= £100 pence 4.数字替换原则

Decade= 10 years century=100 years millennium=1000 years score=20 dozen=12 majority>50% minority<50%

必考题点fortnight=2 weeks couple= 2

During the week=weekdays=from Monday to Friday Weekly=once a week annual=yearly

A quarter= 1/4=25%=15minutes=one season a half= 1/2 5. Address—顺序原则 Address:

16C Rose Lane=Street=Road=Avenue=Square South Hills (剑二test2) 街道名的拼写和门牌号:数字与字母混合40A 36D 地名:South Hills,It is two words ◇确定用大写的情况:

1)学科名,建筑名,场所名称,书名,机构名,人名,国籍、地址、地名、专有名词、主题(title)、 月份、星期等等。

其中提问的标志是: what is the title/name of___ known as/called 2)句子第一个单词首字母

6. Nationality—people


Ish-polish,Swedish,Irish British Spanish



New Zealander Greek Swiss

7.Time & Date 书写方法:1986年2月23日 英式写法_______23rd,Feb, 1986_______; 美式写法___Feb,23rd, 1986______________

◇常考的易拼错的月份 February /January May/June/July无缩写

朗读方法:读成 twenty third of the second 1986 Date与day区别:

It is Wednesday. That is the 21st of June in 1997 Date_21/6/1997________ Day __Wednesday__ am pm AD BC都可以写成缩写的形式

8.Name – first name/given name;

Family name/surname/last name 考题当中问Name没有具体问应是全名______ 注意Title 最普遍的敬语是Mr, Mrs和Ms

二.常考经典题型即应对策略 个人信息表格题型(form-filling) 选择题型(multiple choice)

问答题型(short answer) 一般单句填空题型(sentence completion) 1.个人信息表格题型(form-filling)技巧点拨 法则一:先看横轴,再看纵轴,有标题顺便看标题 目的:对背景做大概分析 法则二:进入表格,猜题定位


法则三:考点以专有名词出现的时候,首字母就要求大写,因此,表格题在答案誊写时应注意在格式上 保持一致

2. 选择题型(multiple choice) 要解决选择题型一定要把握住它的核心考查方向:Listening Comprehension 雅思听力选择题运用两种策略:

Indirect indication(间接信息) Trap=interfere(干扰项)。

读题的目的是Keywords(关键词)。可以了解题目的内容,明确听题的侧重点。 关键词划分两类:题干中的关键词Question KW与选项中的关键词Choices KW加以对应 首先,名词为关键词:因为在放音中不易发生同意转换; 其次,动词为关键词:动词是非常容易被替换的,因此要做好同意转换的准备。 选择题部分对应陷阱 常出错的点:

常常出现在选择题的选项中,即出题人故意把录音中的部分信息作为选项给出,尽量听懂整个句子,而 不是仅靠几个单词的对应去判断,只有选项和录音里的信息内容完全符合时方为正确。

3. 问答题型(short answer) 问答题目:考察内容:文章关键信息的把握


How often do the Top Bus Company tours run 新信息语义中心 解题中心点 已知信息 法则一:划出问题中的已知信息关键词和语义中心—疑问代词

法则二:问题的关键词,指称照应和疑问词找语义关联,找问题的同现关系词汇链,构建主体框架。 法则三:听时,紧扣各题的关键词复现效应

法则四:注意speaker 与问题的关键词是否对应

4.一般单句填空题型(sentence completion)

读题法则一:划出核心词汇;对于总结式填空核心词两种:⑴题目中的核心词汇—空前空后都要划(注 意特殊符号)。⑵完整行里的线索词—存在完整句子中


题法则三:篇章长,先读首尾两句—主题句、预测文章内容。注意内部逻辑关系—递进关系/因果关系/ 列举关系/转折关系等



1. Accommodation—场景分析 电话询问具体情况为主,考察以下几个部分 地理位置

Location-near the university/

on the bus line/city center/suburbs=outskirts/rural area/not near the center, not near the railway station, far from the bus stop, near the airport, noisy insect haunting …metro/tube/subway/underground

租房类型Type-home stay (family stay/host family) The hall of residence/

Youth hostel/ student hostel Residential college/dormitory/studio/ Bed-sit/flat=apartment


Student accommodation center Real estate

Housing coordinator Housing property Newspaper

Classified advertisements, friends, Renting 内部设施Inner facility-

Double/twin bedroom/single bedroom/ Lounge=living room/garage/triple room/

Study room/ attic/laundry room/entrance hall=porch Corridor/balcony/

Separate bathroom/games room 内部家居装修Inner Decoration

Fridge/stereo system/micro-wave oven/fully furnished/Partially furnished /furniture Air-conditioner/ coffee maker/ radiator/cupboard

房东、室友landlord/landlady ,roommate/ Flat mate /dorm mate/housemate 关于租金和押金【 Money :$ £ 】 Deposit about damage of property Rent; rental price (expensive; reasonable)

费用: 水电煤气费用,有时包括电话费、光缆使用费。Including water bill/electricity fee/ cable TV 总称为 utilities

租房要求-Requirement:=request Pets not allowed/

Non smoking/non drinking

No red meat=flesh eater/vegetarian/


Mutton=lamb/beef/pork /

Food allergy

2. 真题案例分析

Section 1(questions 1-10) Questions 1-6

Fill in the table by using No More Than Three Words for each answer Price Extra facilities

Guesthouse room1._____per nightAir-conditioning and shower Waterfront Room2._____per nightWith 3.______

Extra services4._____for guesthouse room and______for waterfront room Extra bedding for kids

Free Swimming pool $8 per hour5._________

$4 per hour6.__________

Questions 7

Fill in the blank with No More Than Three Words Address: Country Comfort__________,_________Street, NSW Questions 8-10

Which three activities is the caller interested in doing there?

Circle Three letters from A-F

A. alpine skiing B. in-housing movies

C. walking in the valley D. spa soaking

E. shopping F. dining out in one local restaurantSection 1(questions 1-10)Questions 1-3 Circle the correct answer from A-C

1.How long has Sara been in Sydney?

A. 2 years B. one and half years C. 8 months

2.What kind of accommodation does Sara like?

A. a house with a garden B. shared flat

C. a home stay

3. What position does Sara want the house is in?

A.Northern part of the university

B.Sociology faculty

C.Near the northern gate of the university Questions 4-10

Fill in the table with No More Than Three Words for each answer Rent range: from 4.$_______to $_______per month

Preferred facility: 5.__________

Rent: 6.$__________,including two meals and 7._________

Address: 8._______________Road Appointment time: 9.at_______on___________

Deposit: one month’s rent

Advice: get a 10._______after paying money


一、 地理场景分析


1.以独白的形式出现:一般是司机,导游,BBC program介绍某个地方或者城市的情况





行政区划:Province, state, county

优点和缺点:cost of living,crime,pace of life,interesting,boring/dull

主要产业: manufacturing, processing, farming, sheep and cattle farming, fishing, fish farming, wine-making, transportation, printing ,electronics

天气和气候:highest/lowest temperature, -20°C=minus twenty degrees Celsius/Centigrade ,wet and windy, cold and wet, rainy, cloudy, flood, drought

语言:language,accent, dialect

二、 出题形式和做题技巧





注意听,主要分清-teen 和-ty。就这个部分来说,主要考察的方面大概是国家历史,地区面积和主要产业。同时利用剑3-5材料以及网上的场景词汇总结,认真记忆这些单词。







1. Population of the entire nation: ----------------

Slovenia‘s three major industries are software, ---------, -------------.

2. In Slovenia, which are the major industries except software -----------.

A. textile

B. Steel

C. fishing

D. manufacturing

3. What are the major industries in Slovenia? (No more than three words or numbers)

解析:在正式开始听录音之前,考生可以看到这些题目,所以听的时候按照顺序原则,先听到其国家面积和人口数量。注意不要混淆。考生会听到Slovenia is a tiny city with a surface area of approximately 20,000 square kilometers, which is about 7,800 square miles…. 后面听到with its 2 million citizens enjoying some of the highest rates of mobile phone ownership and internet connection access in central Europe.在整个文章中没有直接给出人口是多少,直到后面才隐讳的出现。所以考试也是考耐心。介绍完这个国家的地理位置和历史之后,紧接着介绍了经济,谈到三大支柱产业textile,Steel 和software,但是说stries is software development, although two more traditional sectors employ more people: textiles and Steel. 通过这些分析,正确答案不言而喻。


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