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A:What would you like to ask me?你想了解点什么呢?

B:Well, you told me you re representing Stanele Thermatron. Ltd. and that you wish to introduce their products of Heaters and Welders into our market. Is that so?嗯,你说自己代表 Stanele Thermatron 有限公司,你想把这家公司的产品,像加热器、焊机引入我们的市场,是这样吗?

A:Yes, Mr. Liu. You know, Stanele Thermatron Ltd. is an established firm whose products have met with warm reception on the European market for their superior quality and attractive prices. Now they want to develop trade with China and to find an outlet for their products here in Shanghai. I ll appreciate your strenuous efforts to promote the sales in your market on a commission basis. When your attempts prove to be fruitful, I may even consider appointing you as our sole agent in China.是这样的,刘先生,您知道,Stanele Thermatron 有限公司的产品以其物美价廉在欧洲市场上受到广大消费者的极大欢迎。现在呢,他们公司打算在中国开展贸易,并且希望先在上海打开市场。我欣赏您为促进销售所做的不懈努力,倘若很有成效,我会考虑任命您为我们在中国的独家代理。

B:Well, Mr. Wu. I suppose we could best discuss this business now. I think you realize that the products you wish to sell are within the scope of our business activities and we have years of experience in this particular line. Furthermore, we ve got many prospective buyers, including retailers and end users, who are interested in your products. Our sales representatives pay regular visits to these buyers and have established excellent connections with them.好吧,吴先生。我想现在我们可以好好谈一下这笔生意了。在我看来,你应该可以意识到你打算销售的产品正好在我们的业务范围之内,而且我们在这一领域有着多年的经验,更重要的是,我们有很庞大的客户群,包括零售商及终端消费者,他们都对你们的产品很感兴趣。我们的销售代表定期拜访这些客户,与他们有着紧密的联系。

A:It s really very interesting to hear that. How many sales representatives do you have?很高兴听到这些。那么,你们公司有多少名销售代表呢?

B:At present, we have six. They are constantly on road covering key cities of Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces. As a rule, we deal only with exclusive distributors. What I mean is we sell to only one client in any one city.到目前为止,有六名。他们大多负责江浙一带。通常我们只同唯一指定的经销商打交道。也就是说在一个城市我们公司只设一个代理经销商。

A:I see. You sell direct to shops.我明白。你们直接与销售商挂钩。

B:Yes, our clients are all for speciality products, not the kind of things to sell in bulk to wholesalers. We approach the retailers direct, without any middleman.是的,我们的客户群都是经营指定商品,而不是间接经营不同种类的商品。我们公司与零售商直接联系,不经过中间商插手。

A:Do you keep any stock of the goods?那你们保留库存吗?

B:Generally speaking, we do not keep any stock. We ll just pass the orders on to you, and you supply the clients direct. However, if you decide to appoint us as your sole agent, we consider carrying a limited quantity of stock on hand.通常情况下我们不留库存。我们只是把定单交给你们,由你们来直接供应给客户。不过,如果你们打算由我公司作独家代理,我们会考虑留一部分库存的。

A:Then what price should we quote you?那价格怎么算?

B:Well, we would like to have you quote list prices, and then decide what discounts to offer according to whether we supply retailers or end users. I suppose you might as well work out your prices from your costs.是这样的,我们打算先听听你们给的价儿,然后再决定一下佣金,这要看我们是供应零售商还是终端客户群了。我想你们也能根据成本给个价儿吧。

A:Yes, but before fixing our prices, we have to know what your service charges will be.当然,但在此之前,我们要清楚你们打算要多少服务费。

B:Do you mean commission? That is what I am thinking about. You can consider your prices so as to cover us with a certain percentage, which is to be decided through friendly consultation.你是指佣金吗?这正是我所考虑的。你方可以根据佣金比例来决定出价的高低,当然这些都好商量。

A:Yes, I like the idea of a percentage.好的,我赞同按比例算这个主意。

B:And our remuneration increases with the turnover. But as you know to start with we ll meet more difficulties with new products. Therefore, we would like to ask for a guaranteed minimum. I mean an allowance you are going to pay us, say monthly, even if the sales do not warrant it. Otherwise, with all the travelling and advertising that is to be done, especially at the beginning of our sales, we might find ourselves out of pocket. After all, you can hardly expect us to finance your sales promotion.而且我们的酬劳要随交易额的增加而增加。不过你方应该知道新产品的推广最初会遇到一些困难,所以我方要求一个保底金。我的意思是你方要按月付给我们一笔钱,即使销售不尽如人意。否则,在最初又要四处跑客户又要打广告,我们很快就没钱了。毕竟,你们不能期望我方无偿推广你们的产品吧。

A:How do you say?怎么说?

B:Well, you think so? Supposing you decide to grant us the agency, and we both agree on the terms, you should send us as many as possible price lists, illustrated catalogues, and also leaflets to be distributed among our clients.你们没考虑过吗?如果要我们代理的话,并且我们又在各方面都达成了一致的情况下,你方应尽可能提供价目表,插图册,还有一些可供顾客们了解产品的小册子。

A:Yes, we can give you all that.那当然,我们都会提供的。

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