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A: Now that we've invested all this time and energy into product development,we have to start thinking about production. What is the best way to bring our product to the market? I have been thinking that mass production might be the best way to go.

B: You might want to consider carefully before making any rash decisions. You know,while mass production can help maximize profits,you'd better be sure about your marketability before you start production. Otherwise you'll end up with thousands of unsellable plastic trinkets. A wrong decision on production planning can be very costly.

A: You've got a good point there. We need assurance that there's a significant market potential out there before we start production.

B: That's not the only consideration you'll have to make. You'd also better think about whether you might want customization,or if you want to make changes in the course of the production cycle. It's true that assembly line work saves time and money,but it does have its limitations.

A: We must have these items produced strictly to our specifications,so maybe it might be better to think about production methods. . .

B: Don't get me wrong,I'm not trying to change your mind about mass production if it's what you have your heart set on. I just think you'd better plan carefully. It's hard to get started in mass production because you need a lot of machinery and overhead. It's quite an investment and I think you ought to be aware of what you might be getting yourself into.







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