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(Mr.Cliff and Secretary)

Mr.Cliff:Alice,please type this letter for me and run off a copy for our letter file.


Mr.Cliff:I would like information on the arrangement of today’s customer meeting.

Secretary:It is from 13:00 p.m.to 14:00 p.m.at the meeting room with 6 customer representatives.I attached the files to you this morning.

Mr.Cliff:Did you?I did not see any attachment.Well,this form needs filling out.When you finish,put it in the file.

Secretary:I will fill the form out right now,and then file the letter soon.

Mr.Cliff:Where is tomorrow’s store meeting agenda?

Secretary:It is in the first drawer on the left.

Mr.Cliff:Thanks.And please give me the performance appraisal report of this month.This needs to be done today.

Secretary:OK,I will try my best.

Mr.Cliff:Here is Friendship Company’s order,please send it by express mail to Mary.

Secretary:No problem.

Mr.Cliff:The printer cartridge needs to be changed.

Secretary:I’ll call Jack to change it for you.

Mr.Cliff:I have a meeting with our staff now.Please cover my phone calls when I’m out.If it is for developing and research,you may leave a message for me.You might as well leave it and talk it over with Joe first.


Mr.Cliff:Please make sure all jobs are done on time.I don’t want to be behind with my schedule.

Secretary:OK,I get it.

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