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A:Well,Lucy,were you tired after your first day here?露西,昨天第一天上班,觉得累不累?

B:Yes,I was.There were so many new things to learn.(telephone rings)是的,有点累。有那么多新东西要学。(电话铃响了)

A:You answer it.你来接。

B:Good morning.早上好!

A:(whispering) Mr.Smith s office.(小声说)这是史密斯先生的办公室。

B:Oh,Mr.Smith s office.哦,这是史密斯先生的办公室。

C:Is Mr.Smith there?史密斯先生在吗?

B:No,he s out...(whispering) oh,dear,what have I said.不,他不在,(小声说)哦,天哪,我都说了些什么呀!

A:(whispering) Let me take the call,Lucy.(小声说)露西,让我来接电话。Good morning,can I help you?早上好!我能为您效劳吗?

C:Well,I wanted to speak to Mr.Smith but I understand he s out.我想和史密斯先生通话,但我已经知道他不在了。

A:May I know who calling please?请问您是哪位?

C:This is Mrs.Smith.Do you know where my husband is?我是史密斯太太。你知道我丈夫去哪儿了吗?

A:Oh,hello,Mrs.Smith.This is Mary.你好! 史密斯太太,我是玛丽。

C:Hello,Mary.I didn t recognize your voice.Was it you who answered the phone?你好! 玛丽。我刚才没听出是你,刚才是你接的电话吗?

A:No,that was Lucy.不是我,刚才是露西接的电话。


A:Yes,she s the new junior secretary.She started work here yesterday.她是新来的初级秘书,她昨天才开始工作。

C:Oh,I see.Do you know where Mr.Smith is,Mary? It s rather urgent.哦,我知道了。玛丽,你知道史密斯先生去哪儿了吗?我有急事找他。

A:Oh yes,of course,Mrs.Smith.If you give me the message,I ll contact him immediately.是的,我知道,史密斯太太。您可以告诉我,我会立即同他联系。

C:Well,the problem is this:My car won t start and I should collect my daughter from school at a quarter past twelve.I want Mr.Smith to collect her for me on his way home at lunchtime.It nearly twelve o clock now...do you think you can get the message to him in time?好的,事情是这样的。我的车坏了,但是我要在12∶15去学校接我女儿。我想让史密斯先生回家吃午饭的时候顺路去接我们的女儿。现在已经快12点了,你能及时把口信带给史密斯先生吗?

A:Yes,of course,Mrs.Smith.当然可以,史密斯太太。

C:Thank you,Mary.Goodbye.谢谢你,玛丽。再见。

A:Goodbye,Mrs.Smith.再见,史密斯太太。(to Lucy) That was Mrs.Smith on the phone,Lucy.Her car won t start and so she wants Mr.Smith to collect their daughter from school.Oh,do you remember where Mr.Smith said he was going?(对露西说)是史密斯太太的电话。她的车坏了,所以他想让史密斯先生去学校接他们的女儿。对了,你还记得史密斯先生说他去哪了吗?

B:No,I don t.不记得了。

A:You must always make note of things like that,Lucy.He said he was going to see Mr.Li at the New York Development Corporation.露西,像这些事你都应该记下来。他说他去纽约发展公司的李先生那了。

B:Oh,yes,so he did.是的,他去那了。

A:Now listen carefully to what I say.You will then know how to pass on a message like this by yourself next time.Er,what s the telephone number of the New York Development Corporation?现在仔细听我是怎么说的。你就知道下次怎样自己转交留言了。纽约发展公司的电话号码是多少?

B:Em...32185.嗯,32185。(dials the number)(拨电话号码)

D:Good morning.This is Mr.Li s office.早上好,这里是李先生的办公室。

A:Oh,good morning.I have a message for Mr.Smith.I think he s with Mr.Li.早上好,我有一个口信要带给史密斯先生。我想他正和李先生在一起。

D:Yes,he s with Mr.Li now.是的,他在这。

A:Well,would you please ask him if I could speak to him for a moment? I have an urgent message for him.请您问问他我能否和他说几句话,我有急事找他。

D:Yes,certainly.Hold the line,please.可以,请别挂电话。

A:Thank you.谢谢您。

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