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A: Good morning, sir. Some fruits?

A: 先生早,要水果吗?

B: What have you got this morning?

B: 今早有什么呢?

A: Assorted fresh fruits and foods.

A: 有各种新鲜水果和食品。

B: I d like a bowl of tomato juice, please.

B: 请给我要一碗西红柿汁。

A: Any cereal, sir?

A: 先生要麦粉类的东西吗?

B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. I like to have my coffee now, too.

B: 好的,一碟奶油麦,我现在也想喝咖啡。

A: Eggs or anything else?

A: 鸡蛋和其他东西呢?

B: Give me just bacon and eggs. I like my bacon very crisp.

B: 我只要咸肉和鸡蛋,咸肉我喜欢酥脆的。

A: Toast or muffins?

A: 烤面包片还是松饼呢?

B: What kind of muffins?

B: 哪种松饼?

A: Plain and corn muffins, also hot rolls and biscuits.

A: 普通的玉米松饼,也有热面包卷和饼干。

B: I ll have corn muffins with marmalade.

B: 我要加橙皮果酱的玉米松饼。

A: More coffee, sir?

A: 先生,要多加些咖啡吗?

B: Yes, hot please. That looks good.

B: 好,要热的。看来很好。

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